
This site is designed to provide guidance, scripts and resources for sites participating in transitioning data to OMOP common data model as part of CURE ID

Matthew Robinson, Paul Nagy, Michael Cook, Zack Wang, Danielle Boyce, Benjamin Martin, William Garneau1

This work was funded by the CURE ID initiative https://cure.ncats.io

Cure ID Collaborators  

Name  Organization  Role
Marco Schito  Critical Path Institute  Executive Director
Smith (Smitty) Heavner  Critical Path Institute  Project lead
Heather Stone  FDA  Funding agency
Maya Younoszai  FDA  Fellow; project support 
Chase Hamilton  Society for Critical Care Medicine  Contracts, IRB, DUA\main point of contact at SCCM 
Vishakha Kumar  Society for Critical Care Medicine  Contracts, IRB, DUA 
Danielle Boyce  JHU/Critical Path Institute  Technical support lead; main point of contact at JHU
Pam Dasher  Critical Path Institute  Project manager 
Jennifer Stephens  Critical Path Institute  Meeting scheduler 
Paul Nagy  Johns Hopkins University Technical support/OHDSI expert 
Matt Robinson  Johns Hopkins University Infectious disease clinician/informaticist
Michael Cook Johns Hopkins University Informaticist
Will Garneau Johns Hopkins University Hospital medicine clinician/informaticist
Ben Martin Johns Hopkins University Informaticist
Vikas Bansal  Mayo Clinic  Coordinating Center 
Lee Evans  OHDSI/consultant  Broadsea, Docker  
Nate Buegsens  OHDSI/consultant  Perseus/Edge Tool 
Katy Sadowski  OHDSI/consultant  OHDSI Data Quality Dashboard (DQD) 


  1. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine↩︎